The word ''dream'' makes my soul itch in a way that I would describe as uncomfortable. Probably because I think that there's a ''never going to happen'' factor to that word. And I've seen people with huge dreams never make an effort to go after them. Probably I'm just scared to become one of them. Like I've said - I'm only human. Fear is something that every single person experiences once in a while. But fear for me is a motivation to become fearless. And I'm going to spit fear in it's face by showing that I won't let it slow me down or force me to choose the safe road.
There's a quote that says that if your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough. Well , luckily my dreams scare the hell out of me!
The life I have planned for myself is a perfect combination of my best features coming to use. So let me tell you all about it.
*I want to work as a life coach and a part-time actress*
* i want to travel around the world*
*I want to buy a small apartment with big windows and a balcony and fill it with cushions, fluffy carpets, tons of candles, love and personality*
*I want to own an office with a beautiful view, that can be locked from inside so that my creativity can come to life no matter the weather or mood*
I often dream about that day to come.. The day when I wake up and realize that my dreams are not dreams anymore. Can you imagine ALL of your dreams coming true? Well I can.. And that's the scary part.
We can't actually plan our lives. We can try our best to reach our goals but sometimes life has other plans for us. I just hope that me and life are on the same page with this..
And I'm going to make an effort.. And every drop of blood, sweat and tears will be worth it. The most important part is that I'm going to have a blast while doing it!
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